[Ebook.GpiN] Cyclopedia of the law of private corporations Volume 7
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1919 Excerpt: ...80 Den v. Hoboken Land Improve-133 U. S. 660, 33 L. Ed. 772. ment Co., 18 Haw.. (U. S.) 272, 15 L. 81 Kelly v. Pittsburgh, 104 U. S. Ed. 372. See also King y.ijiullins, 78, 26 L. Ed. 658. necessarily less formal, and whether notice to him is at all necessary may depend upon the character of the tax and the manner in which its amount is determinable. The necessity of revenue for the support of the government does not admit of the delay attendant upon proceedings in a court of justice, and they are not required for the enforcement of taxes or assessments.'32 As between ad valorem taxes and specific taxes, it undoubtedly takes more in the way of notice and hearing to satisfy the requirement of due process of law in the case of the former than it does in the case of the latter. The position of the Supreme Court of the United States regarding this matter cannot be stated better than by quoting its own words: "Of the different kinds of taxes which the state may impose," says that court, "there is a vast number of which, from their nature, no notice can be given to the taxpayer, nor would notice be of any possible advantage to him, such as poll taxes, license taxes (not dependent upon the extent of his business) and generally, specific taxes on things or persons or occupations. In such cases the legislature, in authorizing the tax, fixes its amount, and that is the end of the matter. If the tax be not paid, the property of the delinquent may be sold and he be thus deprived of his property. Yet there can be no question, that the proceeding is due process of law, as there is no inquiry into the weight of evidence, or other element of a judicial nature, and nothing could be changed by hearing the taxpayer. No right of his is, therefore, invaded. ... Full text of "Cyclopedia of the law of private corporations" Full text of "Cyclopedia of the law of private corporations" See other formats ... Fletcher cyclopedia of the law of corporations. (Book ... Fletcher cyclopedia of the law of corporations.. ... Includes unnumbered softbound Finding aids volume ... Fletcher cyclopedia of the law of private corporations. Fletcher Cyclopedia of the law of private corporations ... Buy Fletcher Cyclopedia of the law of private corporations; Annual cumulative supplement 1927- [1st- Volume 3 on FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders Cyclopedia of the law of private corporations Volume 7 ... Cyclopedia of the law of private corporations Volume 7: ... Cyclopedia of the law of private corporations ... conducted by him not due process of law.26 It ... Fletcher Cyclopedia Corporations Legal Solutions Buy Fletcher Cyclopedia Corporations at Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters. Get free shipping on law ... law for nearly a century this multi-volume set ... Cyclopedia of the law of private corporations Volume 7 ... Cyclopedia of the law of private corporations Volume 7: Amazon.es: William Meade Fletcher: Libros en idiomas extranjeros Amazon.es Premium Libros en idiomas ... Fletcher cyclopedia of the law of private corporations ... Fletcher cyclopedia of the law of private corporations by ... Fletcher corporation law ... Are you sure you want to remove Fletcher cyclopedia of the law of ... Cyclopedia of the Law of Private Corporations Volume 7 ... Scopri Cyclopedia of the Law of Private Corporations Volume 7 ... the Law of Private Corporations Volume 7 ... conducted by him not due process of law.26 It ... Cyclopedia of the Law of Private Corporations Volume 7 ... Cyclopedia of the Law of Private Corporations Volume 7 has 2 available editions to buy at Alibris. ... Cyclopedia of the Law of Private Corporations Volume 7 Cyclopedia of the Law of Corporations World Encyclopedia ... Fletcher Cyclopedia Corporations Revised Volume 7 2013; ... Cyclopedia of the law of private corporations Fletcher cyclopedia of the law of private corporations
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